Montag, 23. März 2009

Fußball: Pele wirft Ronaldo und Robinho Drogenmissbrauch vor

Die brasilianische Fußball-Legende Pele hat schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Fußballer Ronaldo und Robinho erhoben. Pele wirft den beiden den Missbrauch von Drogen vor.

Pele tätigt derzeit vor Gericht Aussagen in Zusammenhang mit seinem Sohn, der sich derzeit selbst wegen Kokainmissbrauchs zu verantworten hat.

Pele soll in diesem Zusammenhang gesagt haben: "Es wäre ungerecht über Drogen im Fußball zu reden, nur weil es ein bis zwei Fälle gibt, die damit ein Problem haben, wie zum Beispiel Ronaldo oder Robinho."

Pele: Ron and Rob on drugs!

Pele has accused Ronaldo and Robinho of taking drugs at a function in Sao Paulo with businessmen in the tourist sector.

The Brazilian legend has appeared in court in a case involving his son, Edinho, who has admitted to his cocaine addiction.

"It is unfair to talk about drugs in football because of just one or two cases, like Ronaldo and Robinho, who have that problem," said Pele in a statement in the courtroom.

The former striker also lashed out at Diego Maradona of being a "negative example."

"He was an excellent player but unfortunately everyone can see what he has done with his life," the football icon said.

Pele then named Kaka, Michel Platini and Franz Beckenbauer as roles models youngsters should emulate, stressing that these men more than make up for the negative side of football.

"Kaka is an example of a great role model, and beside him there are others like Platini, Beckenbauer and many others," Pele said. "There are a lot of good people and it is unfair to focus on an isolated case."

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