Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

Radio-DJ spielt "Van Halens" "Jump" für Frau, die sich von Brücke stürzen will

In Großbritannien wollte sich eine Frau mit dem Sprung von einer Brücke das Leben nehmen. Die Polizei versuchte dies zu verhindern, weshalb vier Spuren der dortigen Autobahn gesperrt werden mussten, wodurch sich ein Stau bildete.

Dieser Stau veranlasste einen Radio-DJ, den "Van Halen"-Song "Jump" zu spielen, um seine Solidarität mit den Autofahrern zu bekunden. Wenig später stürzte sich die Frau neun Meter in die Tiefe, zog sich jedoch nur leichte Verletzungen zu.

Der Radio-DJ wurde inzwischen entlassen, bereut es jedoch für keine Minute, den Song gespielt zu haben.


A RADIO DJ was blasted last night for playing the hit Jump while police were trying to talk down a suicidal woman on a motorway bridge.

Steve Penk got a request for the Van Halen classic from a joker stuck in jams when four lanes of the M60 had to be closed.

He put it on to "empathise" with drivers - and moments later the woman plunged 30ft.

The 30-year-old suffered only minor injuries.

But Paul Farmer, of mental health charity Mind, said Penk's decision on 96.2FM The Revolution's breakfast show was "in very poor taste".

The Samaritans said: "It shows a lack of compassion and understanding."

And listener Lorna Guinn, 42, said: "It's irresponsible given this woman could have overheard it on someone's car stereo.

"I found it pathetic and nasty."

Penk, who hosts TV's Naughtiest Blunders on ITV and owns the radio station broadcasting in the North West, said: "The entire area had been thrown into total chaos by a single, troubled woman.

"I was, of course, very sorry to hear that the lady had subsequently jumped from the bridge but relieved that her injuries were minor.

"If, as has been suggested, the woman jumped because she heard the song from a passing car radio that's unfortunate.

"But I don't regret playing it for a minute."

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